DRG Insights exists to provide a technology resource that your company can trust. Specializing in selection, implementation and support of your business system, cost effective solutions can be recommended for the long term vitality of your corporation-with an affinity toward “cloud based” and SaaS (Software as a Service).


  • The impact of cost reduction is rapid and significant. When you reduce expenses, you increase cash flow. One dollar of cost savings is worth more than one dollar of revenue.
  • Business system applications continue to deliver high return on investment (ROI), with an average benefit of $7.23 for every dollar spent, according to a Nucleus Research analysis. (www.NucleusResearch.com)
  • Organizations should not be defined only as the sum of their parts. They also must be defined by the interrelations that exist among and across those parts.
  • The value of IT lies in decreasing the cost of doing business. Once that point has been reached, an extension of that paradigm is to be able to have revenue growth without having to add back-office personnel. For example, your business grows 40% but you don’t have to add any back office staff.
  • If you do not have optimal internal financial management systems, everyone will eventually find out (i.e.-your own employees, customers, vendors, auditors,…etc). If not addressed, this will adversely affect the growth of your company.
  • In today’s world, business success is about the ability to stay agile and adapt. Organizations must constantly reevaluate their business system processes.
  • A new management trend is to take a Navy SEAL approach: organizations put teams together for very specific projects and then disband them.
  • Every company (and every project) is different. We do not take a “one size fits all” approach. A software program or process that works at another company, may not necessarily be the right solution for your business. We will work with you and find the solution that is right for your business.
  • Many would argue that the ‘cloud’ is a better security model than an on-premises solution because protecting your company’s data is the main focus of a cloud software provider. Firms should demystify the ‘cloud’ and view it as just a different place for your software to live.
  • The best companies outsource to win, not to shrink. They outsource to innovate faster and more cheaply in order to grow larger, gain market share, and hire more and different specialists-not simply to cut costs and cut back. (excerpt from the book The World Is Flat.)
  • IT operations are moving from merely supporting the business to driving the business itself, which requires agility and making the most of resources.
  • It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they tell us what to do. (Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer)
  • In the sport of business it’s all about playing offense, not defense. You want to run up the score before it’s run up on you.